Thursday, August 14, 2014

Encrypted NAS recovery

We are continuing research of capabilities of protected/encrypted NAS recovery of devices from different vendors. So far we can provide data recovery services for the following types of protected/encrypted storages:
  • Buffalo Terastation full disk encryption. When it is required to recover lost/deleted data or access data after hardware/firmware failure, we are able to recover lost encryption key that is required to decrypt the storage with UFS Explorer Professional Recovery or Linux dmcrypt.
  • QNAP full disk encryption. The NAS uses vendor-specific procedure to enhance security of LUKS encryption password. Using password and NAS-specific data, we are able to recover encryption key that is required to decrypt the storage with UFS Explorer Professional Recovery.
  • Drobo password-protected NAS. For purposes of lost data recovery or recovery after NAS failure, it is possible to bypass password protection and recover data directly from "Beyond RAID".
  • Certain LUKS enabled NAS. Many popular NAS use standard (unchanged) LUKS encryption that is compatible with Linux and UFS Explorer Professional Recovery software. To recover data from this kind of NAS you will only need "administrator" (data access) password to be provided.

If you are interested in assistance with protected/encrypted NAS recovery, please, request our services via general contact form.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Data recovery from Drobo NAS/DAS/iSCSI

We are glad to announce support of data recovery services from Drobo storage devices. Our recent researches on "Beyond RAID" technology now allow supporting lost data recovery from most known Drobo models, including NAS devices, DAS configurations, iSCSI configurations. This also includes support of multi-LUN and mixed storages.
Cases that can be covered include "bricked" NAS after failed firmware update, different NAS failures during rebuild, partial RAID metadata loss, drive failures etc. Support of "Beyond RAID" redundancy allows recovering data even from incomplete set of drives (if RAID redundancy allows this).
Drobo recovery is only available as "remote recovery service" at fixed price 100..250 Euro per RAID component in initial configuration (lower price is applicable for simply "bricked" NAS after firmware or hardware failure).
The service can be requested via general contact form. The data recovery service fee is only applicable for successfully completed data recovery and there are no "analysis" or "attempt" fees.

Major update: version 5.16

Starting from version 5.16 the software now preserves file creation and file modification dates from original file system as well as from virtually reconstructed file system after data recovery scan.
These dates also appeared in file system object properties dialog as object attributes.
In Professional Recovery software edition there are implemented as standard few additional RAID configurations:

RAID 1E - "shifted stripe" configuration

1. Sample of RAID 1E pattern with "shifted stripe" on 5 disks

This configuration has 1 drive of guaranteed redundancy and can be built using 3 disks and more.
RAID 1E - "running mirror" configuration
2. Sample of RAID 1E pattern with "running mirror" on 5 disks

The configuration has the same properties like RAID 1E "shifted stripe", however has different data allocation strategy. For even number of drives the configuration can be considered as similar to RAID 10 by structure and properties.

RAID 6 with compact right-asymmetric parity rotation


3. Sample of RAID 6 with compact right-asymmetric rotation on 5 disks
This configuration is now supported with both P->Q and Q->P redundancy order and different kinds of indexes assignment for Reed-Solomon code for data recovery with 2 missing drives.
Among other useful features there are:
  • Support of "capitalization" attribute for 8.3 DOS file names;
  • In-place editor for RAID Definition Language (RDL) in UFS Explorer Professional Recovery.
This update is considered as recommended for data recovery and forensics specialists