Monday, December 12, 2016

Major update: version 5.21

This update introduces "Viewer" tool in all editions of UFS Explorer software. Starting from version 5.21 it is possible to evaluate data quality before starting recovery or purchasing license by revising contents of pictures or digital photos of most popular formats (including camera RAW formats).
It is planned to extend set of supported formats in the future software releases.

Among other modifications there are:
  • Revised software installation policy: now software is installed via single installer for 32 or 64 bit OS with automatic software selection;
  • Introduced software installer for Linux and Mac OS software versions;
  • Introduced Linux software version with no installer at all and no installation requirements (just to unpack from archive and run);
  • Software comes with "SDL Software Manager" to keep track of software updates (updates are still free within same major version 5.x);
  • Windows version of UFS Explorer Professional Recovery comes with updated registration codes: please request registration code update via our web site.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Minor update: version 5.20.3

The key modifications in UFS Explorer version 5.20.3 are:
  • Support of network shared folders connected under privileged/non-privileged user account contexts of Windows 10 with enabled UAC;
  • Recovery editions of UFS Explorer now have better chances to retrieve good data with IntelliRAW scan.
This update should be considered as "recommended" for all users of UFS Explorer version 5.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Minor update: version 5.20.2

Version 5.20.2 includes several modifications, mostly related to software optimization:
  • Modified disk data caching algorithm for faster data copying from RAIDs with small sector size;
  • Fixed problem of recognition of disks, connected via certain USB adaptors (when sector size is converted to 4KB).
This update is recommended to all users of previous software version.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Software update: version 5.20

All editions of UFS Explorer software were updated to version 5.20. This update enables the following features in the software:
  • Support of Apple file Extended Attributes and Resource Forks. When copying of extended attributes is enabled (by default), the software restores file tags, associations and other custom attributes. This function is available under Mac OS X via native API and under Windows/Linux by means of support of .AppleDouble extended attribute format.
  • Glyphs pre-composition. Apple Mac OS X does not support so-called "composed glyphs" (such as certain Kanji or umlauts, formed by base symbol and "accent modifier" symbol). When copying data across operating systems, using of composed glyphs may cause issues with access to file system under Mac OS. Starting from this version, UFS Explorer replaces "composed" symbol sequences with "pre-composed" characters.
Users of  UFS Explorer version 5 should consider this update as "recommended".

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Raise Data Recovery software released

Starting from version 6, Raise Data Recovery software was branched from UFS Explorer product. Now it receives its own unique interface and functional design.
Key modification in version 6 are:
  • Simple, Wizard-style interface instead of technician-style interface of UFS Explorer;
  • Single data recovery scan procedure, covering all data loss cases and all supported file systems;
  • File preview for many different file formats;
  • Modular software licensing instead of "single software - single file system" concept;
  • Inexpensive Short Term Support license for lifetime license and 30 days of free updates.

Existing customers may continue using Raise Data Recovery version 5 for lifetime.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Minor update: version 5.19.1 released

This is mostly technical software update that replaces old digital signature on Windows editions of the software with new, more secure one, according to new Microsoft security recommendations.

Another feature is added function to Windows software edition of direct "drive passport" query from ATA/SATA/SCSI/USB attached storages, even through certian bridge chips. This makes valid drive serial numbers available in the interface.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Software update: version 5.19

This is ordinary software update that adds the following new features to all UFS Explorer software:
  • VHDX support: along with other supported virtual disk formats, UFS Explorer can now open VHDX virtual disks, created with Microsoft Hyper-V of all versions. It is included read-only support of both stand-alone virtual disks as well as virtual disks with "snapshots".
  • New hard disk "keep alive" policy. Starting from version 5.19 all UFS Explorer products perform attempts to restore hard disk connection in case of accidental disk disconnection or link loss. With this new policy, you will not need to re-open storage to restore disk data connection.
Other modifications include found bug fixes. This update is considered as "recommended" to all users of UFS Explorer version 5 products.